Tuesday, 15 July 2008

15th July - Weedon Bec to Rugby (Newbold)

Passing through Braunston Tunnel I got the trumpet out, it sounded great - this one you can see both ends, so I knew I had the tunnel to myself. Can't help wondering if it was audible either end, though. The idea of daily practice to see what lip I can get back hasn't happened, but it's fun to have along.

I shared Braunston locks with a friendly holidaying family from Nuneaton - various locals hanging around tried to yell instructions at the son, which was annoying - no-one gives instructions but those responsible for the boat in the lock, thank you very much. I ambled past the shiny 'replica' boats in Braunston, but stopped off at Midland Chandlers and had some battery cables made up before the turn onto the North Oxford - a significant moment as I'm now away from the route I've taken previously, where I carried on and headed on to the south Oxford instead. A few miles in there was a line of four or five boats all moored up a good few boat lengths apart, in the middle of nowhere - obviously not together, so why moor up near each other? If it's too save other boats slowing down so much for them, they could be a little closer... one woman pointed out there was a prison close by, but I'm not sure that in much of a reason. ;-)

I decided to carry on through Rugby - first single locks on the journey, too, with a little help from a local who was sitting on the beam as I arrived, and moored up weill after nine just before Newbold Tunnel.

Some more natural topiary - what do you see?

The guide book advertises two good pubs by Bridge 50 - 'The Boat' has closed down, so I went to the other one, who cliamed it had closed down due to the new management of their pub. ;-) very sweet locals in there - all chatting & debating sport quiz questions - where was the football world cup held in 1954, anyway? Various community singing of old hits, too, and from the accents I'm definitely in the midlands now. ;-)

1 comment:

MortimerBones said...

foreground a dragon, background a cat sniffing a bush.