Wednesday 14 August 2013

Canadian Canoe

No, I'm not still lurking at the end of the Wendover, I'm just making the most of it, blog-wise...

Whilst there, though, an amazing two-seater open canoe arrived. A lovely, hand-made beast, built in about five months by Phil from plans from Bear Mountain Boats, a Bob's Special.

It is made from individual strips of wood laminated together - can't recall what, although he did say some of the edging was from old school desks, and then protected with a virtually invisible glass fibre layer. Light enough to be lifted on & off a car roof by one person. it's difficult to contemplate the patience and accuray required to build this.

here's Phil & Neil, about to head off again...

I'd never been sure of the distinction between canoe & kayak, and I was told that canoes have single ended paddles, and kayaks double... not sure if that's the whole story, but it's a start.


Sarah said...

ooh, we saw this - or something very similar, if there could possibly be two of them - on top of a car the other week. Bet it was the same one!

Simon said...

Could well have been the same one, he did tell me he could lift it on & off his car hiimself. Lovely, isn't it? I often see side streams and disconnected waterways and wish we could explore them...