I've just had the week at a training centre, where a tutor just about managed to make a boring subject nearly interesting. The site has had a few ownership changes over the years, and it's difficult to know who owns what now - especially the hundreds of empty, abandoned dorm rooms (the buildings unlocked, making for a spooky walk through) and the rather cute lodge cottage on the way in.
They also - or at least used to - own the land on the other side of the road, down to the river (Avon). Lunchtime walks were pretty essential for sanity, so to get to the river, I had to climb over this gate...
...then around the overgrown tennis courts, where I found this sign...
...and then down to the riverbank, where there's a nice bench and a couple of chairs, and this view:
Worth the effort, I thought. There was a lock a little further up the river, but I didn't have the time to get there. Fairly fast flowing at the moment, but certainly navigable. I was intending to come down here by boat for the course in autumn 2008, postponed to now. One day...
The family Stone
It was pretty chilly overnight, even though the fire stayed in well. We had
a fairly relaxed start to the day, and then got in the car and headed up
the M1...
6 days ago
That wouldn't be wood norton by any chance would it?
Ah, ETD Wood Norton, as it was known when I first went there in 1980. Happy memories (except for the feeling of being back at school)! Croquet on the lawn; skittles in the Club in Evesham; table tennis in the sports hall; the brilliant drive there along fast B-roads (in my first Amazon).
(ETD = Engineering Training Department)
and here's me being a little coy about it... ;-)
All changed now, even from my early days 1990 onwards (although some of the lecturers are still the same). The club is long sold on, the dorms are abandoned and empty, and as for getting down to the river at lunchtime... ;-)
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